Sustainability Commitment

Tackling climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing societies today. We recognise that the service we provide to clients is only beneficial if we strive to reduce our impact on the environment in which they live and work.
Therefore, Citizens Advice Liverpool is committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C (‘net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner’).
We provide advice to clients on energy efficiency measures such as SMART meters. When clients come to us with gas and electricity debts, our Energy Adviser will explain how they can reduce their energy consumption and heat their homes efficiently. 
We will actively engage with Warmth 4 Health, promoting efficient energy use and help for those in fuel poverty. This will contribute to residents living healthier and happier lives and make neighbourhoods better places to call home, whilst contributing to a sustainable future.
Throughout the pandemic, all staff and volunteers worked from home. We are continuing with this model. Homeworking will be encouraged with meetings held digitally, except where not beneficial for clients. This will minimise the need for travel, reducing carbon emissions. The development of video appointments and local access points will enable clients to access services from home or with minimal travel, reducing the need for them to use transport and helping to tackle the climate emergency.
Citizens Advice Liverpool banks with Unity Trust Bank because their practices align with our broad goal of delivering positive impact to local communities. It is a bank of choice for ethical businesses and they align their operations and banking practices to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Net Zero by 2050 in numbers
Future-proofing our commitment to sustainability
Our Trustee board meet every quarter and will continue to develop our commitment to becoming a net zero organisation by 2050.
Once developments are signed off, they will be uploaded to our site accordingly. ​